Modest Fashion

The most prevalent colour of an abaya is black. Why?

True modesty is the best adornment

A shade of mystery and power:

The Abaya is a traditional Islamic outfit worn to cover the whole body. While the Quran does not specify a colour, according to the hadith, Muhammad told his wife Aisha that the abayas of women in Paradise would be black. As a result, it is believed that abayas should also be black on earth. Legend has it that the history of the Abaya begins when Muhammad had a dream in which the virgin Magdalene of Alexandria appeared to him. When Muhammad searched for a woman who could interpret his dream, he met one dressed in white. He analysed the plan by saying that it warned that if we did not wear a black garment like the virgins of Paradise, we would be guilty before God.

In Islamic culture, the black colour represents modesty and humility. It is more than just a piece of clothing. It means cultural and religious norms and values. The traditional use of black is committed to simplicity. By wearing black, a woman can exhibit the faith of Allah. According to Islam, women can cover their bodies modestly by wearing an abaya.

Islamic Quotation

Why Black?

The colour black boosts confidence and allows women to express their unique sense of beauty. Women can showcase their elegance by accessorising abayas with stylish jewellery and intricate designs. Black abayas provide a blank canvas for displaying individuality and creativity. Women from diverse cultural backgrounds have embraced the black Abaya as a symbol of power and uniqueness. It remains a popular choice for women everywhere, from the streets of London to the sunny deserts of the Middle East. 

The psychology behind the black Abaya:

We all know that clothes aren’t just something we wear; instead, they reflect our personalities and preferences. According to Psychology, black is a symbol of authority. Using a black abaya or other clothing can convey power and strong desire. As it refers to women, it makes them feel empowered. It is no secret that we typically wear black to attempt to win someone over. It makes an impression and also brings formality and professionalism. Wearing black makes it attractive. Black is a colour that is sure to catch others’ eyes and pique everyone’s interest.

Global Fashion Industry:

The fashion industry has made significant strides in promoting black abayas recently. Designers and brands have included them in their collections, making them more accessible to a broader audience. This increased visibility has made black abayas more attractive to people who may not have considered them. The efforts of fashion magazines, runway shows, and social media have also contributed to their popularity. As a result, black abayas have become a prominent feature of contemporary fashion, reflecting the diversity and inclusivity of the industry.

Women are free to choose the colours they wear, and black is not mandatory. However, many women wear black not because they have to but because it is the most modest and least flashy colour. We can learn from the women of the Sahaabah, who used to wear black. They knew the importance of modesty and wore clothing that did not attract attention or provoke desire. As we strive to follow their example, may we also seek to dress in a manner

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